CHEBINT is a MATLAB/Octave toolbox that provides a user-friendly interface to multivariate Chebyshev approximations. It features highly efficient, fast FFT-based, algorithms to determine the approximation (see [2]) that are based on the theory of Chebyshev lattices as introduced in [1]. The approximations itself can then be manipulated, somehow similarly to symbolic equations: the toolbox provides definite/indefinite integration and differentiation, and basic operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (as described in [3]).
The toolbox is supported on MATLAB, starting from release R2007a, and Octave 3.0.0 and later.
Please contact Koen Poppe for more information and the software itself. Note that the software is intended for research purposes only.
People involved
Ronald Cools and Koen Poppe.
Chebyshev lattices, a unifying framework for cubature with the Chebyshev weight function.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 51 pp. 275--288.
2011. - Koen Poppe and Ronald Cools. CHEBINT: a MATLAB/Octave toolbox for fast multivariate integration and interpolation based on Chebyshev approximations over a hypercube.
Poppe, Koen and Cools, Ronald.
CHEBINT: Operations on multivariate Chebyshev approximations.
Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, TW Reports no. 603,